The Principle of Prescription

In his book Elements of International Law, first published in 1836, Henry Wheaton pointed out that “the general consent of mankind has established the principle, that long and uninterrupted possession [of land] by one nation excludes the claim of every other.” During the so-called Age of Discovery, the category “mankind” was restricted to Christian Europeans,

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The Independence of Native Nations Was Supposedly Ended (“Diminished”)As A Result of the Christian World Becoming Knowledgeable of the Geographical Location of our Nations

One of the most significant sections of the Johnson v. McIntosh ruling of 1823, is Chief Justice John Marshall’s assertion that the Indians’ rights to complete sovereignty as independent nations” had been ended by “Christian people” (original emphasis) becoming knowledgeable of the location of lands inhabited by Native people “who were heathens” (Marshall’s phrase). Marshall

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Arithmetic in Federal Indian Law

To follow this article you won’t even need a calculator. All you’ll need is an understanding of arithmetic and how to subtract. Take, for example, the equation 100 percent minus 99 percent = 1 percent. For the purpose of this article, we’ll say that the 1 percent stands for what has been called the “residual”

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Debunking Federal Indian Law

To debunk means “to expose the sham or falseness of; to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear; to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious [and] false.” In the Supreme Court ruling Johnson v. McIntosh (1823), Chief Justice John

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To Civilize and Christianize

By Steven Newcomb (Shawnee/Lenape) They brought their soldiers, their cannons, their dogs, their diseases, their swords, their spears, their armor, their chains, their bells, their crosses, their priests, their paper, their ink, their words, and their Bible in order to civilize (dominate) and Christianize Native nations and peoples.

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